I am not ashamed of the Gospel. What about you? ~Phil Robertson


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Works through others. Thank you

Thank you for boldly speaking the truth!
What a gift to be able to hear great truth about Jesus, wonderful wisdom, and advice we need NOW! Thank you Jesus for these clear speaking men! I love you guys!

Thanks for this podcast
Robertsons, I stumbled across this podcast and gave it a listen because I watched “Duck Dynasty”. Thanks for sharing the scripture and how it relates to everyday life in an honest and sometimes comical way. Thanks for all you do. lefty_of_leisure

Since the beginning
Listened to every single one, can’t get enough.

I’m hooked on this podcast! It’s so good! Learning, loving, laughing!! It’s helping develop me as a Christian like a good Bible study group should!

Telling it like it is
Telling it like it is and telling it as it should be! Amen

Podcast 207
Absolutely the best podcast ever! Wisdom for today. Zach is on a roll!

Awesome podcast
I love this podcast... simply truth!

5 stars
Today 01-14-2021, From the first episode I was hooked. I found the show on apple I pod app. I’m unashamed about MY Lord Jesus Christ. I’ve got a lot of catching up to do on the podcast. Keep preaching, God Bless.

Awesome show
Wonderful pod casts, learning a lot, times when I feel down they seem to brighten my day and I haven’t laughed that hard in so long, please keep it up. Dave

Awesome podcast!!
I LOVE the authenticity of the Robertsons. I love that they are down to earth, open and honest, and tremendously GODLY people. Flawed? Yes. We all are!! We’re sinners saved by Grace!

He is Risen!
A Great Podcast that focuses on the importance of living in the Faith of and believing in the King of kings and Lord of lords Christ Jesus.

Best podcast I’ve heard
I absolutely love everything about this podcast!!

Great podcast
Love the podcast! One request...Jase and Phil get the mike closer to your mouth please. Thank you!

Sound & Praise
Great podcast, I so appreciate your delivery of the word. Showing how not only you connect with it but how I can understand it. One complaint could you please turn up Phil’s microphone. He is so hard to hear compared to the others. Thank you.

Entertaining and Educational
I love listening to this podcast. It makes me laugh, which is hard to do in such stressful times as these. It also challenges me to be more open in sharing my faith. Satan tries to make us feel guilty for our past mistakes, but these guys remind me it is ok to be Unashamed because of the blood of Jesus! Thank you! Keep speaking truth!

Best podcast
These guys are some of the realest men! They have shown me a pure side of humanity and they cultivate so much peace from each episode. Really love this podcast!!

Great! Teaching the gospel and speaking the truth. Phil, Jase, and Al are strong men of God

Great Pod cast
I’m from Pensacola, FL, I listen every morning on my way to work and enjoy every minute. Continue to Share Jesus and thank you.

Precious !!
I watch y’all on Blaze and listen at work, In the woods is the most comforting thing on television!! The whole Robertson family is Precious!! God Bless Y’all for expanding the Kingdom !! Love and Peace to all, (Nikki from Southern Kentucky)

Newfound Hope
I am a member of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I grew up in a non-traditional household because my father was wrongfully incarcerated when I was 11 years old. My two older siblings have strayed from Christ. I have fought over and over again to keep my faith strong, and to be a good example, but I wouldn’t say I ever acted unashamed in my faith in Jesus Christ. I’m now a sophomore in college. Not much has changed in my life. My father is still in prison, my mom is still working the same full time job she’s had since he was arrested, and my two older siblings are still pushing Christ away. I just finished the first episode of the Unashamed podcast, and I was tearful with hope by the time it was over. I have felt lost and hopeless due to the current circumstances of the world, my situation, and my faltering faith. Jase’s conversion story has relieved my soul. Thank you to the Robertson family for giving me hope once again.

Another hit!!
I’ve been watching Phil’s Videos since they first came out over 32 years ago and I have always loved him and the whole Robertson family; of course because I’m a waterfowler but mainly because they are a Christ Centered family. With the times as they are, more than ever, it is important to fix your eyes on the Lord. So my two favorite topics, Jesus and waterfowl are rolled up into one. Love it!! W. Scott Whitcomb

Life changing!
Listen while working out everyday

Episode 204
Best episode so far! Thank you for putting this past week’s events into perspective. I feel much more at peace.

Listened from Day 1 on blaze, I-Tunes & YouTube
Al, You gotta know You,Jase and Your Dad are the Bomb. But, I do gotta Say. Somebody wrote it about the Volume. I believe I’m a little older than you and The hearing’s going South. I agree with the person who Said Please turn up the volume. Getting old ’s Fun God Bless You All Come on Up to Northern Idaho for Some Hunting We’ll treat Ya all

Love this podcast. It’s exactly what America needs right now....people pointing them to the One and only person who can save us all....Jesus.

The best podcast that can be found.

Uplifting for everyone
Hunting tales mixed with the gospel. Terrific every time! All 3 men exude integrity and a heart for the Lord. Always a good choice.

Thanks for keeping the salvation message simple for all to accept.

Sanity Savers
Thank you for helping us keep our sanity in these tumultuous times. Your positive message and humor have helped more than you know!